
Nikolaos Koulocheris
Co-Founder, Partner & Head of Real Estate
Machas and Partners Law Firm
Nikolaos Koulocheris is the Co-Founding Partner of Machas & Partners Law
Firm and Head of the Real Estate team.
Nikolaos is a member of the Athens Bar Association since 1998 and he is
licensed to practice law before the Supreme Court of Greece since 2008.
Prior to his appointment as the Secretary General of Economic Policy, he had
been Managing Partner at Machas & Partners Law Firm, specializing in civil
and labor law, real estate, privatizations, and public procurement. He has
extensive professional experience in some of the most high-profile real estate
acquisitions, dispositions, joint ventures, financing, and restructuring projects
for foreign investors in Greece and has successfully managed major real
estate projects as chief legal adviser, such as the Ellinikon - Agios Kosmas
privatization project (2019 -2021) acting for the Hellenic Republic Asset
Development Fund.
Nikolaos served as Secretary General of Economic Policy in the Ministry of
Finance of Greece from August 2021 to July 2023 and, ex officio, as the
Chairman of the Government Committee on the strategy for the prevention
and suppression of money laundering, terrorist financing (AML/CFT) and the
financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. His areas of
responsibilities included State Aid, privatizations, and State-Owned
Enterprises, as well as issues relating to Financial Policy, macroeconomic
forecasts, International Relations, the valuation and determination of property
values and Public Assistance.
Monday 21 | 10
Banquet HallMon 21 | 10
Speaker 1 Full Name
Title, Company, Country